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7 days art Challenge

At 27 December 2016 I recieved a challenge from my friend Sari Atika to create 7 art in 7 days consecutively and upload it to social media, I already noticed people in my friend list outside Indonesia start doing it on early December, but never expect i cloud be challenged too. :D

About the chalenge

well this challenge become so viral in facebook especially among artist's pages. I don't know whos is the pioneer the 7 days art challenge but I start to enjoying to see artists in worldwide suddenly became more productive even just for 7 days. They start to upload and invite their frined to do the challenge. Interesting things that I saw at the 7 days challenge is how they deal with a deadline, 1 art in each days. Mostly artists is not accustomed to strict deadline, when they paint it can be takes hours, days, weeks, even years to complete an art, but in this challenge the had to deal a strict deadline 1 art of a day so they had to think what is the size, technique, and media that could be fit for the challenge.


in this challenge when you invited by someone you had to do it whatever it takes. just like the name, the rule is to create 1 art in each day and upload it in 7 days conscutively. in every posted art you need to write down the days progress. in every days post you need to invite or nominate someone you know to pass on the challenge and write it down with a taged name so the person know that she/he was challenge.

My works

Day 1 of 7

Day 2 of 7

Day 3 of 7

Day 4 of 7

Day 5 of 7

Day 6 of 7

Day 7 of 7

finally !!

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