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Flow naturaly, unexpected, and beautiful

I am a painter, but start to focused to watercolor painting from 2009 with my husband. We tried many things in watercolor dan even combined crazy things just to explore more about the media.


I start my debut as painter with oil and acrylic, but someday i start to interested to play with water and acrylic to create some floody color effects without knowing that kind of effect is actually common in watercolor, when I at last knew it, I really start to fall in love in watercolor and their effects, characteristics, uniqueness, and the explorations. So I and my hunsband start to focus on it.


My husband is also an artis, he is a watercolor painter and also a graphic design, you can visit his website in ww-artpage to see his works.


in early 2017 I my husband start to made a joined social media page, named "sak pasang aquarelle", it means a pair or a couple of watercolor artist. Please visit also our joined page to see our journeys about watercolors and other arts.

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